Are You Ready?

Have you heard this question much over the last week or so?  The question really means, “Is your shopping finished?”, or “Is your house clean?”  Those are good questions if Christmas is only about family and gifts, but we know better.  The most important part of being ready is preparing for Jesus and helping our families and friends get prepared for Jesus too.
Maybe you aren’t very good with words though.  Maybe you have some family and friends that will come to your house that will not come to the church.  Maybe you just need a little help showing others that they need to prepare for Jesus too. 
Help is here.  Simply go to  and you will see the “Prepare for Jesus” Christmas video.  This is a short video with a worship song, children’s message and a clear presentation of the gospel.  Plan now to incorporate this into your Christmas celebration. 

If you need any help at all to see the video I am here to help.  Please just call the office and I’ll be glad to walk you through it.  May God bless you and every opportunity you have to share the good news of Jesus Christ this Christmas!

 In Him,
Pastor Tim.
