Join My Addiction

It started a couple weeks ago when Pastor Marcus started using.  Then this past Sunday I got a taste for the first time in a long time and now it is all I can think about.  The moment was great but now I just want more.  I am consumed with the question, “How can I get another hit of that baptismal water?” 

I’m willing to do anything to get it.  I’ll talk to God.  I’ll fast.  I’ll talk to others… whatever it takes.  I’ll give money.  I’ll go to trainings.  I’ll read about others in the Bible with the same addiction.  I wake up and I’m thinking about it.  I lay down and I’m thinking about it.  I need another fix before the withdrawals start again. 

I want you to join me in my addiction too.  I know it will seem a little scary at first but leading someone to Jesus will take you to places you have never been before.  Yeah, people who aren’t addicted will tell you to get off the stuff, but they just don’t understand.  They will say that casual use is okay but it never does enough. 

Jesus says to deny yourself, take up your cross daily and follow him (Luke 9:23).  Only someone addicted to Jesus would do something crazy like that.  Are you addicted yet?  What would you pay to see the pool stirred up?  What would you do so get someone else saved?  
In Him, 
Pastor Tim
