Q Commons Conference

Over the past weeks and months we have been confronted with multiple issues of great significance. Who should be the next President of the United States? When is it okay for someone to be shot to death by police? The media has a lot to say and social media is full of opinions but neither seems to be moving us toward grace, redemption and unity in the body of Christ. 

I believe the most important question is, how should the church respond?  On Thursday, October 13th from 7-9:00 pm you will have the opportunity to process this very question. Houston First Church of God will be showing a live simulcast of “Q Commons,” a conference with 6 leading Christian presenters and built in time to discuss what is being presented. (More information is at qcommons.com.)
Anger, dismissiveness and division have had their chance. It hasn’t worked. Let’s come together and have real conversation about how God can uniquely use the Church to influence the national culture with the kingdom of God. Will you plan now to be there?
In Him
Tim Gould
