Who Is The Church of God?

Dear Church,
When you tell people that you are a part of the Houston First Church of God, what does that mean to you?  What are you communicating when you mention the Church of God?  Do you know what makes the Church of God distinct from other faith groups or even how we might be similar to others?
This past Sunday we began a series on the Church of God by discussing how it began as a means of pointing the church back to God through Christ and his Holy Spirit.  However, I’m so excited that we will get to hear from others as well.  This coming week Elder Boyce Erwin will preach on the ordinances that are celebrated in the Church of God.  Then on Sunday, November 19
 Dr. Ronald Duncan, former General Director of Church of God Ministries, will preach on the development of the Church of God over the years.
Learn Groups will also be focusing on what we believe in the Church of God.  This is a great space for you to ask questions and discover for yourself the biblical foundations for why we do what we do.  If you would like to join a Learn Group, simply reply to this email and we will get you connected this Sunday!
What we believe is vitally important.  If you have any questions about what the Church of God believes or even about what you believe feel free to contact me by email (pastortim@hfcog.org) or phone (713.460.0104).  
In Him,
Pastor Tim
Special thanks to all those who volunteered to help with the Texas General Assembly of the Church of God!
They include Pastor Sarah Mathewes, Sherry Pausky, Boyce Erwin, Lana Arthur, Richard Martin, Ben Arthur, Rebecca Cox, Brian Cudnik, Ann Nicholson, Melodie Erwin, Jill Penn, Cindy Moore, Jackie Melgares, Israel Reyes, Jose Pareja, David Gonzalez, Ken Todd, and Barbara Ramirez.  Thank you all for going above and beyond to serve the church so well!

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