Always Enough

This past week we celebrated Mother’s Day, which brings many different emotions up for different people. We processed that together and it was powerful. I thought of all the many many ways that moms serve, often behind the scenes and often unnoticed. As I was driving into work the next day, I heard an interesting phrase on the local Christian radio, “Mundane Miracles”. The speaker was presenting the idea that we often miss the ‘mundane miracles’ that God performs around us every day. They gave examples such as waking up this morning, a job that provides income for their family, the roof over their head, shoes that fit well and get them where they need to go, etc. The small every day things that we often overlook, become used to, or don’t regularly appreciate. When I begin to add them up, I lose count very quickly. One way I have grown my awareness of God’s provision in my life is something my friend Larissa aka “GR8TFUL CHICK” of does and encourages others to do as well; list 3 things you are grateful everyday.  It’s simple, but very powerful. Church, may we never miss the ‘mundane’ miracles that God is doing every day! Look for them, and thank Him for them! He is ALWAYS ENOUGH.
Many Blessings,
Pastor Sarah

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