This is the Week!

We look forward to celebrating the birth of our Savior with you and the rest of HFC over the next couple weeks. This is the best week for you to invite others to be a part of all that God is doing so that we can share the good news of Jesus Christ together. Be sure to invite friends,
coworkers, neighbors and family members to the following:
“Oh Boy!” Family Christmas Event this Saturday, December 17 from 1-3p
This is a come and go self-guided experience through several stations where you will build, decorate,
eat and play all as a family. Register today at .
Worship this Sunday, December 18 at 11a
Before you go out of town to connect with others we will talk about how Jesus can change our
reality especially when our lives aren’t where we expected.
Christmas Family Worship Night on Friday, December 23 at 6p
Lots of singing and a powerful presentation of the gospel followed by a wonderful time to
hangout with hot chocolate and all the fun toppings you could think of!
Christmas Worship on Sunday, December 25 at 11a
Perfectly scheduled between time with the kids in the morning and dinner with the extended family that afternoon.
We will receive communion together as we remember why Jesus was born.
And there are so many ways to invite others! You can hand out an invite card that you received from the building, you can message someone an invite video from YouTube, or you can connect them with our HFC Facebook page. I’ll also send you a Christmas week invite video in the next
couple days that you can share with everyone. Here are the links. Just click on the link and then under the video just click “Share.”

This Week’s Questions

How are you doing with this week’s questions from the sermon on Sunday?  Really, how are you doing with them? 

For me, I’ve been thinking about them, but I’ve not reached out to process them with anyone or filled out a connect card.  I was thinking if I’m not doing this, is anyone?  And why not?  I think I know the answer to that – it’s hard.  It’s hard to ask for help.  It’s hard to be transparent.  And it is super hard to be vulnerable.  Well, here I am picking my “hard” to let you in on my thoughts and pray that you get something out of this…

  1. What causes me the most anxiety? 

That’s a hard one to answer.  Really it is more of how do I pick one thing and then is that the “one thing” that really causes the most anxiety?  To be honest this question causes anxiety.  I can be all over the place when it comes to anxiety… riding in the car with Mr. Dingle, Charles staying out late, flying on an airplane, being in a crowd of people, the thought of moving (away from my parents), public speaking, and crazy as it sounds – washing my hair.  See all over the place!  What I know about my anxiety is that it relates to control – I’m not in control of the majority of things I listed.  If I was to say that not being in control is what causes me the most anxiety that makes sense. (Hey, thanks for letting me work that out…)

  1.  Do you want to trust Jesus to handle that situation better than you?

Well, now that I realize lack of control causes me the most anxiety… Of course, I want to trust Jesus to handle this better than me – obviously, I’m not doing well in my own strength and I know He would be much better.    

  1.  How am I going to submit to God’s Holy Spirit?

And now here we are at question #3… how am I going to submit to God’s Holy Spirit in trusting that Jesus can handle my control issues better than me?  I’m going to have to stay in constant communication with Him!  I’m going to have to lay it all down at His feet every single time, in every situation, and trust that He will take care of me.  Pray.  Pray.  Pray.  Pray.  And pray some more!  Praise God – tomorrow is Fast and Pray!

We meet at 7pm for prayer in the sanctuary – come pray with us or let us know how we can pray for you.    

Lastly, I want to share these scriptures that I meditate on when I feel anxious:

2 Timothy 1:7:

For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-discipline.

Philippians 4:4-9:

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be apparent to all. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think on these things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Your Sister In Christ, 


Too Busy For Jesus?

Isn’t it ironic that the season we have to celebrate the coming of our Savior is also the season in which we barely have time to celebrate because of all the stuff we have to do. Truth be told, if can feel like the church actually adds to the busyness and distract us from a real focus on Jesus.
But what if these opportunities for busyness are actually opportunities for discipleship, opportunities to build relationships, and opportunities to share what God is doing in your life? What if discipleship doesn’t have to be something extra that you add to your schedule but something that happens as you invite others into your schedule?
In this newsletter you are going to see a ton of opportunities to connect with the church but when you invite others to go with you, they now become opportunities for life transformation. Maybe you want to be part of this but you don’t know where to start. Just reach out to me or any of the staff and we would love to help you explore this avenue of growth.
You aren’t too busy for Jesus or his mission. Who will you invite to come along with you?
In Him,
Pastor Tim

Still Giving Thanks

Monday morning I left for a week of vacation. I am going to visit some family in Kansas for Thanksgiving. While planning over the last few weeks, the plan has had to change some.  Instead of renting a house with a kitchen where we can cook together, we’ll likely be eating fast food leftovers that don’t need a microwave. I was getting very frustrated that the plan wasn’t looking like the traditional Thanksgiving meal I was hoping it would. I was disappointed that we wouldn’t get to decorate the table and make cookies and…  I was focused on me.
This trip isn’t about me. It’s about visiting family I haven’t seen in a year or more. It’s about some great quality time with my parents. It’s about rest in the midst of weekly busyness of life. It’s about spending time with a family member who lives alone and gets few visitors. It’s about slowing down, and being still. It’s about giving thanks!
Often in the middle of the busy holidays, we get caught up in all things ‘us’ – we forget to see others, their needs, their pain, their joy! We forget to see God and all He is doing, even in the middle of the busy, crazy days. This Thanksgiving is going to look a little different. And that’s ok. I can still give thanks. 
Join me in looking for “God Sightings” this week as you prepare to celebrate, no matter what this Thursday might look like for you – even if it look’s a little different – Still Give Thanks!
Many Blessings,
Pastor Sarah

The Reality of Christmas

Soon after we enjoy all the festivities of Thanksgiving the season of advent—the season of preparation for the Christ—will be upon us. In these times we talk about things like love and peace and hope and joy. Then we send out the perfect Christmas cards with warm holiday greetings. We wear our Sunday best and smile when we say, “Merry Christmas!”
However, it is also during these times that we feel most lonely, most anxious, most stressed by our full calendars, and most aware of who is no longer in the room. That doesn’t sound like peace, hope and joy but that is the Reality of Christmas for so many of us.
As we lead up to Christmas we are going to take a real look at what really happens during this season of “holiday cheer.” Then we are going to invite the truth of Jesus to change our reality. After all, Jesus didn’t come to leave us the same way he found us. He came to meet us where we and then transform us into his likeness.
We are all surrounded by people who need to hear that they are not alone in The Reality of Christmas. Who are 4 people that you can invite to hear how the good news of Jesus can change their reality? When will you invite them to join the HFC family in worship? We all need it. Let’s share this good news with the world.
In Him,
Pastor Tim

Messy. Jesus. Family

Social media is flooded with posts that are portraying the highlights – what “everyone” wants to see to get more views, more likes, more comments and shares. The danger in this is that many look to these numbers to find their value and worth. Technology has made it to where we can edit things in such a way that shows only what we want people to see. It can be messy.
Thanksgiving Day will be here in just a couple of weeks. For many this is a welcomed time to be with family and friends and sit around the table and enjoy time together. Others may feel overwhelmed and anxious with all the things that go into getting ready for a house full of guests or even being a guest. Either way, being “real” with those around us as we gather on Thanksgiving Day can be yes, messy.
A separation happens when we are not real with one another. Distance is created. As a follower of Christ, we are called to be disciples that make disciples. We are to be relational and come alongside one another. This requires work and getting out of our comfort zones. We must be real with ourselves, those around us, and most importantly with our Heavenly Father. When we turn to Jesus, He helps us with all our mess. Philippians 4:13 – I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
Here at HFC we understand that life can be messy. We also know that Jesus is the answer to all of our mess. And we want you to know that no matter where you may have been or where you are now, you are welcome to be a part of the HFC Family.
Your Sister In Christ,

You’ve Got Questions. We’ve Got Coffee. And Chili.

The HFC Vision Conference was incredible! Thank you to all those who came out to hear all that God has been doing through HFC. I am so thankful for your input and your questions.
And there is still one more chance to connect.
Sunday, November 6th at 10:00 am
HFC Vision Conference Q/A
Next to the Coffee Station
You weren’t able to attend either of the Vision Conference opportunities? The Q/A is for you!
You still have a couple questions after the Vision Conference? The Q/A is for you!
You are completely satisfied but you like coffee and hanging out with HFC? the Q/A is for you!
You are a vital part of the work that God is doing with HFC. I want you to be informed and confident about what we have done, where God is leading us and how we are going to get there. So stop by the coffee station and join us in the lobby to talk through some questions.
And all of this is to get us ready for the…
Annual Business Meeting
Wednesday, November 9th at 7:00 pm
And don’t come to the meeting hungry. Let’s eat together before the meeting during the…
Chili Cook-off starting at 5:30 p.m.
(I said the wrong time on Sunday, sorry)
In the Hospitality Room
You can sign up to bring chili or other items at the link below. Can’t wait to see you!
In Him,
Pastor Tim

You are not just a number.

I am not a fisherman but I love the outdoors. If you know me you would know that camping and water sports is number one on my list. Fishing is somewhere in there, but not at the top. This past Friday I was invited to go fishing at the lake, so I decided to go (It was cold,
very cold).
Around midnight I was sitting on top of my cooler full of ice with my fishing rod in my hands, just waiting for something to happen. Something did happen, I started admiring the stars and how big the universe is. I tried to remember where each star was located, but
there were too many to count or to keep track of.
We are not just a number; we are not an accident. We were created with a purpose in mind. God created us special, and although there are many of us, He knows each one of us by our names, and he never forgets it. Here at HFC we are more than just your normal “church” (congregation). We are a family in Christ. You are special just the way you are. Sometimes we forget birthdays, special occasions, and maybe our own names, but God never forgets! He knows who you are and he wants you just like you are. Let yourself be loved by God and by our HFC family. We have a place for you!
With love,
Pastor David

Celebrate the Wins!

Last weekend Tennessee beat Alabama in college football for the first time in 16 years. Naturally they stormed the field and, like some other before them, they tore down the goal posts. Then they took their celebration to another level. They actually carried the goal posts out of the stadium, down the road for one mile and then threw the goal posts into the Tennessee River.
A really big part of the HFC Vision Conference is cerebration. Now hopefully we don’t hoist the pulpit on our shoulders and march back to Cole Creek in our celebration over the enemy of our lives, but God has given us great victory and that’s a big deal. We have some incredible testimonies to celebrate with you, updates on things that have already been accomplished, and we want to hear from you as well.
Plan now to join the HFC Vision Conference on Friday, October 28th or Sunday, October 30th after the Pastor Appreciation Reception. Come ready to tear down some goal posts as we look forward to even greater victories in Christ! You can register at the link below.
In Him,
Pastor Tim

International Feast is back!

This Sunday, October 9th HFC will join with the Arabic Christian Church (ACC) and Iglesia for a joint worship service followed by a carry in dinner. The last couple years we haven’t been able to experience the fullness of the body of Christ in this way but now we are back!
Pastor David is working with worship teams from all three congregations to lead singing during the joint worship service at 11:00 am on Sunday. I will also start a new sermon series in the book of Jeremiah.
And we need your help too! First, let us know what food you are bringing for the meal after the worship service. We will have people to receive the food you bring before service and they will help lay everything out where it needs to be. However, we will also need people to help set up tables and clean up after the meal.
Let us know what you are bringing through the link below. Can’t wait to enjoy the International Feast with you this Sunday!

Sign Up!

In Him,
Pastor Tim
