Crisp Fall Air

 “Crisp Fall Air”

Sweaters, festivals, hot drinks, bonfires; all of these can only mean one thing- FALL!  At least the fall I grew up with in Indiana.  I have so many fond memories of playing out in the leaves, carving pumpkins, getting lost in a corn maze, and drinking hot apple cider!  Those memories are forever etched in my memory and part of the reason I absolutely adore this time of the year.  The feelings that come over me the first time I feel that “crisp” fall air are unreal and absolutely refreshing.  When I am able to spend time and  enjoy the nice fall weather, I feel rejuvenated and like a new person. 

Our walk with Jesus should leave us feeling the same way.  Not just one time, but every time we encounter Him; whether it happens in reading His Word, an experience, a person, a service- any time we are breathing in His presence.  Our Jesus is one who should make us feel ready for the day and refreshed- a breath of crisp fall air.  As a Christ follower, my whole life should be striving to live in this daily communion with Jesus,  and not just because of the “benefits” for me (which there are plenty) but to honor and bring glory back on Him.  Let us breathe in Jesus every day and thank Him for the peace and transformation He brings to our lives if we believe and act out our faith in Him.