God Has No Problem Spending Time With Us

In fact, He is excited to be with us!
Of all, in all of creation, God chose you to have a relationship with him. Every day when you wake up, God has already proclaimed: “I choose you!” He intends to be present with you. Participating in life with you. Being there for you as any friend would ever be — and even more.
God is more than accessible. He longs to have a relationship with you — a personal, refreshing relationship. He wants to be with you in both the good and bad times. Another thing is God’s desire to spend time with you is so strong that there is nothing you can do to keep him from wanting it. When he chose you today, he chose everything about you — your behavior, your thoughts, your speech, the way you treat others. He loves you for who you are.
He wants us to be with him more than you think. Imagine the possibilities of having a relationship with God.
Consider this:
If all good things come from God, what would it be like to be with God all the time?
-Pastor David Rivera
