How To . . . Jesus

Step 1: Introduce the topic
This month we are working through a sermon series called, “How to…” In the series we are wrestling with how to look like Jesus with people and in places where we might not always see people who look like Jesus. So far we have looked at engaging people who don’t know Jesus and working through suffering. This week we will explore how to have political conversations and next week will look into engaging people in an LGBTQ lifestyle.
Step 2:Present the challenge
In all of these situations it is important for us to know what we believe and why we believe it. However, it is even more important to know HOW to communicate to others in a way the reflects Jesus. Think about it. If we say the right thing in the wrong way people won’t hear the truth. However, even if we say the wrong thing in the right way people will probably give us an opportunity to make it right.
Step 3: Support with Scripture
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). When we love well others will be more inclined to continue the conversation because they know they can trust our love. Without knowing HOW to love others well in the name of Jesus we may be dead in the water.
Step 4: Close before they stop reading
Only Jesus was Jesus. He is the only one who was perfect and even still he got crucified for it. Some conversations are just going to be difficult but as we seek to follow the model that Jesus gave us we will see his Holy Spirit work in the hearts of everyone involved… including ours.
In Him,
Pastor Tim

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