Jesus and Stress

Sunday we began a new sermon series called, Thinking Faith, in which we will look at how our faith ought to impact how we think about different things. This first week we looked at stress in our lives and how we should respond to it based on Scripture.
You ever buy anything that required assembly? Do you still remember the directions? I doubt it. I recognize that Sunday I gave you several directions but I also doubt you remember them all. So let me list them for you here.
  • Keep a right perspective on Jesus—not everything is worth stressing about.
  • Create margin in life—set aside and protect time to worship, pray, and study God’s word.
  • See opportunities, not challenges—every stressor is an opportunity for God to provide.
  • Resubmit to God’s Spirit—the responses of our flesh will never lead to fruit.
  • Process in community—disciplining relationships will help us hear God’s voice of truth.
So where is some assembly required in your life regarding stress? Maybe you are doing some of these things already but if you aren’t you should pick one and focus on that this week. No matter what you do PRAY! Dealing with stress is a spiritual encounter. Ask God to lead you in the step you are taking. He is faithful to answer our prayers!
Last two things… First, have someone else pray with you about the step you are taking. Agreement in prayer is powerful—which leads to the second thing. This week is Fast and Pray Wednesday. I want to invite you to fast and pray about what is stressing you, and then come join others at 7:00 p.m. in the sanctuary as we all pray together in the name of Jesus. God is able!
In Him,
Pastor Tim.
