Summer is Here

Church, you have been active this past month. One group went to Bane Park to pray with and connect with those who are not already connected to the church. Others joined our inter-generational Sunday Learn Groups as a way to learn to be more effective disciples of Jesus Christ. Still others came together for the church work day during which resources were organized, rooms were cleaned out, fences were built and downed trees were removed.


Thank you for your dedication and hard work. Through you and God’s work in you we are on the verge of the glory days to come. Throughout this summer and season of vacations let’s not take a vacation from pursuing all God has for us. Let’s focus all the more on being disciples that are intentional about growing closer to God and helping others to do the same.  When you do, lives will be restored; the dead will come to life; the lost will be found. Even during the summer you can do it. I believe in you.
