The Gospel of Mark

I have received so much feedback from the sermon series we are doing through the book of Mark. This past week the Holy Spirit challenged me to think more about my attitude toward Jesus. Do I really want what he wants or am I afraid of what he wants so I just do what I want?
Here are a few ways I’m trying to answer that question the right way. 
1. I’m going to listen more when I pray. Have you ever had a conversation with someone who asked you a question and then kept on talking? If we aren’t spending prayer time actively listening to God then that is exactly what we are doing. 
2. I’m going to ask myself, “What are you afraid of?” Fears don’t have to be obsessive to be influential. For example, I don’t wear black shoes with khakis because I’m afraid people will see my total lack of fashion sense. Do you think it is possible that some hidden fears are influencing you?
3. I’m going to talk about it. It is amazing how saying something out loud helps me to know what I really believe. In my mind I can make anything sound good but when I say it out loud the Holy Spirit begins to separate fact from fiction. 
How about you? The answers to some of theses questions might be tough but I think they will lead us down the path of discipleship. 

In Him,
Pastor Tim
Recently Cindy Moore sent in the following link to an article about disciples who make disciples.  Give it a read and see what the Holy Spirit might tell you.  Also, if you come across articles, videos or other material that focus on multiplication, please send them in.  Let’s keep talking about what it looks like for us to multiply.

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