The Great Commission Conference

We all want to see the church grow.  We want to see lives changed.  We want Jesus to do for others what he has done for us.  We want the church to make an impact in the culture rather than the other way around.

                For a long time this responsibility has fallen to clergy and those with the spiritual gift of evangelism because others have felt ill-equipped to let God use them.  This has led to a decline in the church and a decline in the impact of the church. 

                There is another way though.  God can use you.  You don’t have to be an evangelist or a pastor.  All you need is a desire to see the church grow and love for those who don’t know Jesus.  On next Saturday, January 28th
from 9 a.m. until noon in the East Wing of the building, Tim West is going to help us be more confident in talking to other people about Jesus.  At the Great Commission Conference you will learn… 
  • What the Bible says regarding talking to others about Jesus
  • How to share your faith simply and powerfully
  • How to answer critical questions about Christianity 

You can register one of three ways.


  1. Register TODAY online at
  2. Register TODAY by replying to this email.
  3. Register Sunday on the Connect Card in the bulletin.


This will be one of the most important things we do this year.  Don’t miss it!
In Him, 
Pastor Tim
