Do You Matter?

Yes! But before you roll your eyes and think, “Well you have to say that. You’re my pastor,” let me tell you why you matter.

This month the Lord has really been prompting me to think more about the culture of HFC. On one hand, I am responsible to lead the culture we want to have—I’m responsible to model it, to celebrate it, to correct it and to inspire it. However, I can do all those things and still not have the culture that I want to see with HFC.

The reality is that you carry the culture of HFC. You determine if it is perceived by first time guests as a loving church. You determine if we are known for our generosity. You determine if disciple making is a priority. And watch this… Even if you have only been with HFC for a couple weeks or months you still determine all those things! No pressure or anything but you matter tremendously to who we are!

Which leads to the vision for the church… to multiply. Our vision to multiply isn’t just about starting new community groups, opening new campuses or starting new ministries, but it is about reproducing a culture that is healthy, loving, and inspiring disciples to make disciples. If I get hit by a bus in my sleep that culture still has to continue and it will continue through you.

If you have been here 10 years you matter. If you have been here 10 minutes you matter. You matter to the culture. You matter to the church. You matter to the kingdom. You matter to Jesus. And you matter to me. I love you church.

In Him,
Pastor Tim

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