How to . . . Summer

When you read this my family and I will be returning from Ohio after going to visit with our parents, grandparents and cousins for summer vacation. As with any change of season there are always new schedules to work through and new stresses to deal with. However, these can also be great opportunities to focus not just on what you do but how you do it.
Here are a couple things we can all focus on…
Be intentional to have quality time with God each day. Read your Bible, pray, and fast, but don’t just go through the motions. Be intentional to really connect with the Lord. Don’t just read but study too. Don’t just pray but listen too.
Build relationships with new people. Don’t just do the regular small talk thing. Take time to be vulnerable and transparent in conversation with new people you meet or with the people you haven’t talked to in a long time. Who knows, they might follow your example and create an opportunity to talk about how Jesus is working in your life.
Learn your lessons. Don’t just get through the summer and then talk about how fast the time went by. Journal about all that God is doing in your life as you go. God is speaking to you, showing you things, calling you to more. Listen and remember all that he is doing by writing it down and then sharing it with others.
Wherever the Lord takes you this summer think about how you can be disciples that are following whole heartedly after Jesus, and how we can make disciples who do the same. God is able!
In Him,
Pastor Tim

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