Something to Consider

Lately, the Lord has been challenging me with disciple making, especially when it comes to our youth ministry. I cannot disciple all of our students by myself because discipleship is all about investing time, energy and even money on someone. Discipleship is all about modeling to someone what does it look like to walk daily with Jesus.  Discipleship is inviting someone into our lives so that they can also learn to walk with Christ, and eventually, they will disciple and model all of that to someone else.
God is leading me into making sure all of our students are being intentionally discipled by someone, and I need your help to do just that. I am creating a “Youth Disciple Network” . In reality it is just a white board with all of our students names and the name of the person who is discipling them. I need the help of people that are willing to invest in them, to love them, to be there in their good and bad moments. I need disciple makers that will be there when they have doubts about their faith.
I cannot do this on my own, but I know that together we can make sure our students will have a future where God is their everything. I would love to sit down and talk to you about discipling or becoming a disciple maker as well as serving on our Youth Disciple Network. Remember Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus commanded us.
Give me a call (832)405-2917or send me an email I would love to talk with you about next steps and how you can make an impact.
With love,
Pastor David

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