Summer Excitement

This summer we have worked through three different sermon series—Forgiveness, Ezra, and John the Baptist.  Over this time I have heard so many stories of how God is challenging you to take steps of faith.  Do you remember how he has challenged you?  People have been saying things like, “Best sermon ever!” as if it was from me.  Yet at the same time attendance for HFC has not been lower since we have been back to the building full time.

If relationally we are stronger than ever (thanks to Community Groups and Equip Discipleship Training), and worship services are inspiring, then why aren’t we inviting more people to experience what God is doing?  Is it possible that our old friend DOUBT is creeping in again?  Do we doubt that it is our job to invite others?  Do we doubt that people we invite would say, “Yes”?  Do we doubt our ability to articulate why others should want to be here?

Back to Church Sunday is September 19th and you have the opportunity to help others experience the awesome move of God that we are all in the middle of right now.  The people you are surrounded by have all kinds of doubts about God, the church and even themselves.  As we are able to overcome our doubts with faith God will transform their lives through the power of Jesus Christ as they encounter the gospel.  So here are three things you can do for me…

  1. Pray for opportunities to invite others and that they would open their hearts to being changed by God.
  2. Invite cards: get as many as you can and hand them out to everyone you know.
  3. Social media: like and share the posts you see on the HFC Facebook Page, the HFC Facebook Group, and our YouTube page. And don’t just share them to your page but send them as a personal invitation to people you know that need to get back to church.

I love you Church! 

In Him,
Pastor Tim.

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